About Me

I am an enthusiast, I have a passion for the web and I believe in making designs better, intuitive and inspiring. I find building websites fun and fulfilling and I continue to expand my horizon with emerging technologies.  My years of study has been fun  and rewarding, I have a degree in Computer Science, a diploma in multimedia design and communication, professional Bachelor in product development and integrative technology and digital concept development.

I am an experienced web designer and front-end developer living in Copenhagen, Denmark. I am excited about bootstrap and will look to integrate it as part of my future projects, I am very well established in HTML5 and CSS3, Javascript, JQuery and React.  I have been creating functional, intuitive and usable professional websites using best practices that meet evolving web standards for years. I originally learnt webdesign using notepad that means I have extensive understanding of the semantics of HTML. These days I work mostly in CMSes for rapid development.

I use mockflow for wireframing and layouts, Photoshop and Fireworks for image editing. My CMS of choice is WordPress for professional and dynamic websites, allowing for faster integration of databases using PHP and Mysql, for websites and ecommerce websites, I am very comfortable with a couple of other  CMSes like Umbraco, Joomla, shopify, prestashop and magento.

I take SEO very seriously when developing website and why not, when it actually exposes a website and brand to a wider audience. Website management and DNS/webserver management is part of my everyday life.



Bachelor in Digital Concept Development. UX & UI Design, SEO, Google Analytics
Copenhagen school of Design and Technology (kEA)


Professional Bachelor in Product Development and Integrative Technology- Project management, agile methods.
Copenhagen school of Design and Technology (kEA)

Diploma in Multimedia Design and Communication- website Design, graphics design, HTML5 CSS3, JavaScript, php and mysql. Copenhagen school of Design and Technology (kEA)
Degree in Computer Science – programming in Visual Basic, c++, Completed the course with design of a human resources management system, a desktop application for managing employee information across departments.


2021-To Date

Content development and Marketing, Search Engine optimization, Copy-Writing, Social Media Marketing, Website Design and Troubleshooting
Freelancer, Copenhagen


WordPress Design and Development, Content development and Marketing, SEO optimization, DNS Management
Signegeil Consulting, Copenhagen


SEO Communication Intern, Job Descriptpion included amongst other things content development, link building and SEO optimization.
A W Media, Valby Copenhagen


Computer Systems Analyst, Job Description: Determining data and system integrity in relation to security.
Fluxlinks Security Limited, Lagos


Assisting Lecturer, Computer operations, DBase and console applications.
The Federal Polytechnic Bauchi